Oscar - 10x12-13 Area Rug

$2,715.75 $3,195.00 (15% off)
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Style: Area Rug
9'9" x 12'6" | 297.2 x 381 cm
Condition: New

Primary color: Grey
Accent color: Ivory, Cream, Lime Green, Seafoam Green

Origin: Made in Afghanistan
100% hand-spun wool
Construction: Hand-Knotted

The rug displayed is a stunning fusion of modern design and traditional weaving techniques. Its abstract pattern resembles a digital mosaic or pixelated image, lending a contemporary edge to any space. The interplay of varying shades of gray with pops of green gives it a look of digital sophistication, reminiscent of an urban landscape or the facade of a modern skyscraper.

The rug's design evokes the dynamic ebb and flow of city life, with its structured chaos and bursts of greenery breaking through the concrete. The gradient effect, where the colors shift and blend seamlessly from one tone to another, adds depth and dimension, making it not only a rug but a conversation piece.

This piece is perfect for those who appreciate the blend of art and technology, of old and new. It's more than a mere floor covering — it's a statement of style and a nod to the skillful hands that crafted it. The rug would sit equally well in a sleek office space as it would in a minimalist home, bringing a sense of calm, ordered complexity to its surroundings.

The Berber Bazaar Collection
The Berber Bazaar Collection is an extraordinary blend of Moroccan and Afghan rug-making heritages. Crafted from premium Afghan wool, our handmade rugs take inspiration from the vibrant and audacious designs of Moroccan wool rugs, culminating in a collection that transcends time and convention. Ranging from neutral geometric contours to colorful bold patterns, our rugs appeal to both classical and modern sensibilities. 

Learn more about The Berber Bazaar Collection here.

Fair Trade. Authentic. Handmade.

This is a handmade, one-of-a-kind item. It is common for slight variations in wear, color and dimensions to occur. Depending on the lighting in your home and the light display setting on the device, the colors of our rugs may look slightly different in your home.

Ethically Sourced

We know what goes into our rugs and who makes them. We don't cut corners for you or the artisan.

Cleaning & Care

Handmade rugs with natural dyes can last for generations with proper care.


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