The Ultimate Wool Rug Trade Program for Interior Designers: Discover Exclusive Benefits and Authentic Hand-knotted and Handmade Rugs

Elevate your design projects with our unique and authentic handmade Afghan wool rugs in San Diego, California. Join our exclusive trade program and unlock exceptional benefits tailored for interior designers.

The Ultimate Wool Rug Trade Program for Interior Designers: Discover Exclusive Benefits and Authentic Hand-knotted and Handmade Rugs - The Rug Mine - Authentic Oriental Rugs

Introducing Our Exclusive Trade Program for Interior Designers

Welcome to The Rug Mine's Interior Designers Trade Program! We know that interior designers are constantly seeking exceptional products that can elevate their design projects and impress their discerning clients. That's why Nargis created a dedicated trade program to provide interior designers with unparalleled access to our stunning collection of handmade Afghan rugs, along with a suite of exclusive benefits.

Unleash Your Creativity with Authentic Handmade Afghan Wool Rugs

Our carefully curated collection of handmade Afghan wool rugs showcases the rich cultural history, expert craftsmanship, and eye-catching designs that can add a touch of luxury and uniqueness to any space. As an interior designer, you'll have access to a diverse range of styles, sizes, and colors, giving you the flexibility to create bespoke spaces that perfectly match your clients' preferences.

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Exclusive Wool Rug Benefits for Our Trade Program Members

By joining our trade program, you'll unlock an array of advantages designed to help your interior design business thrive:

  • Generous Discounts: Receive generous discounts on our exquisite rugs for a more competitive pricing.
  • Dedicated Support: Nargis and her team are available to offer personalized recommendations, insights, and support, ensuring you have all the information you need to make informed decisions.
  • Priority Access: Be the first to know about our new arrivals and limited-edition collections from Afghanistan, giving you a head start in providing your clients with the latest designs.
  • Customization Options: Tailor our rugs to meet your clients' unique requirements with our available customization options.

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  • Volume-Based Incentives: Enjoy tiered discounts and additional benefits based on your wool rug purchase volume, encouraging a long-lasting and fruitful partnership.
  • Educational Resources: Access valuable resources, such as rug care guides, styling tips, and cultural and historical insights to bolster your expertise and better serve your clients.
  • Marketing Collaboration: Showcase your projects and gain exposure through our featured projects, designer spotlights, and collaborative marketing initiatives.
  • Effortless Ordering and Shipping: Experience a seamless and convenient ordering process with reliable, fast, and cost-effective delivery options.  For San Diego County interior designers, receive same-day shipping to your office or client's home.
  • Exclusive Showroom Access and Personalized Visits: Enjoy exclusive access to our private showroom in the Vista/Carlsbad/San Marcos area in San Diego County, where you can explore our full range of handmade Afghan rugs in person. Plus, schedule a personalized visit with Nargis for an insider's perspective on our collection and expert wool rug advice tailored to your design projects.

Join Our Interior Designers Trade Program for Authentic Wool Rugs Today!

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Elevate your interior design projects with our authentic hand-knotted wool rugs and reap the benefits of our exclusive trade program. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance your offerings and grow your business.

Sign up below to get started!


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Наши клиенты


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Краска для мебели из массива

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Виды поверхностей: МДФ, ЛДСП, фанера, массив дерева, ламинат, пластик, пробковое покрытие

№ R 4648 Ольха темная

Как поступать в таких случаях? Выбросить испорченные вещи и приобрести новые – не самое лучшее решение
В подобных ситуациях помогут материалы для реставрации мебели из дерева

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Однако для покрытия глянцевых фасадов и лакированных поверхностей, а также покраски изделий из ЛДСП или тех, на которые ранее уже были нанесены средства на клеевой основе, они не подходят


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