Tandon - 9x12 Area Rug

$3,905.75 $4,595.00 (15% off)
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Style: Area Rug
Dimensions: 9'1" x 12'3" | 276.9 x 373.4 cm
Condition: New

Primary color: Royal Blue
Accent color: Lime Green, Cream, Ivory, Grey, Terracotta Brown
Pattern: Floral
Shape: Rectangular

Origin: Made in Afghanistan
Materials: 100% hand-spun wool with a cotton foundation
Construction: Hand-knotted

Step into the enchanting world of traditional Afghan artistry with this captivating area rug, meticulously hand-knotted to perfection. A treasure trove of artistry, its faded aqua and teal backdrop mirrors the tranquil waters of a Mediterranean cove, imbued with the patina of time.

Cream and ivory vines and florals weave across the surface, their delicate contours outlined with a masterful use of shading to give a three-dimensional effect. Accents of rust and terracotta infuse warmth, while soft touches of sage and moss green echo the hues of ancient stone reliefs.

The border is a masterpiece in itself, a complex narrative of geometric precision and botanical grace, framed by the softest hints of powder blue. This rug does not simply fill a space; it transforms it, offering an opulent piece of history to any room it graces. Whether laid out in a living area, under a dining table, or in a grand foyer, it is sure to command admiration and spark conversations about its origins and the skilled artisans who brought it to life.

Fair Trade. Authentic. Handmade. New.

This is a handmade, one-of-a-kind item. It is common for variations in wear, color and dimensions to occur. Depending on the lighting in your home and the light display setting on the device, the colors of our rugs may look different in your home.

Ethically Sourced

We know what goes into our rugs and who makes them. We don't cut corners for you or the artisan.

Cleaning & Care

Handmade rugs with natural dyes can last for generations with proper care.


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