Area Rug

All kinds of area rugs that have a pile (with varying levels of thickness) — in contrast to Kilims and Soumaks, which do not have a pile.

Sibyl - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$327.25 $385.00 (15% off)

Nasir - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$293.25 $345.00 (15% off)

Grant - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$301.75 $355.00 (15% off)

Himmat - 3x5 Vintage Afghan Baluch Rug

$318.75 $375.00 (15% off)

Gulliver - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$327.25 $385.00 (15% off)

Mira - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$318.75 $375.00 (15% off)

Agron - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$276.25 $325.00 (15% off)

Naevia - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$327.25 $385.00 (15% off)

Gannicus - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$310.25 $365.00 (15% off)

Crixus - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$208.25 $245.00 (15% off)

Augustus - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$208.25 $245.00 (15% off)