Area Rug

All kinds of area rugs that have a pile (with varying levels of thickness) — in contrast to Kilims and Soumaks, which do not have a pile.

Angelique - 7x11 Area Rug

$1,610.75 $1,895.00 (15% off)

Alison - 8x12 Area Rug

$1,865.75 $2,195.00 (15% off)

Matt - 9x12 Area Rug

$1,950.75 $2,295.00 (15% off)

Reiden - 4x7 Area Rug

$335.75 $395.00 (15% off)

Jubilee - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$216.75 $255.00 (15% off)

Damon - 3x5 Vintage Baluch Rug

$250.75 $295.00 (15% off)