Area Rug

All kinds of area rugs that have a pile (with varying levels of thickness) — in contrast to Kilims and Soumaks, which do not have a pile.

Ahmet - 7x10 Area Rug

$1,440.75 $1,695.00 (15% off)

Tuscany - 7x10 Area Rug

$1,610.75 $1,895.00 (15% off)
Sold out

Brianne - 9x11 Area Rug

$2,630.75 $3,095.00 (15% off)

Judith - 10x14 Area Rug

$3,225.75 $3,795.00 (15% off)

Zoltan - 8x10 Area Rug

$2,290.75 $2,695.00 (15% off)

Armenia - 6x9 Area Rug

$1,440.75 $1,695.00 (15% off)

Mazar - 9x12 Area Rug

$3,310.75 $3,895.00 (15% off)

Augustine - 12x18 Area Rug

$6,795.75 $7,995.00 (15% off)
Sold out

Almirah - 8x11 Area Rug

$2,205.75 $2,595.00 (15% off)

Alhambra - 13x19 Area Rug

$8,495.75 $9,995.00 (15% off)

Eldora - 8x12 Area Rug

$2,800.75 $3,295.00 (15% off)